Aviation fuel quality control is crucial to ensure the safe and efficient aircraft operations. The aviation industry relies heavily on the proper functioning of aircraft engines, and any compromise in fuel quality can have serious consequences. Aviation fuel is susceptible to various contaminants, which can lead to corrosion, fuel system blockages, and other issues. Quality control helps identify and mitigate contamination risks, ensuring aviation.
Galaxy FBO hosted the two-day NATA’s Certified Quality Control Inspector Workshop at the Conroe North Houston Regional Airport on February 7th and 8th. The workshop was instructed by NATA and other leading industry experts on aviation fuel quality control and refueling safety. Designed for those who receive, handle, store, and distribute aviation fuels, the course provided the essential knowledge and skills needed for safe operations and the delivery of clean fuel. Galaxy FBO Line Service Technicians from ADS, CXO and HOU attended this course to boost their quality control knowledge and to receive their accreditations.

All participants gained hands-on experience and practical skills through a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and case studies. Upon successful completion, attendees received 139.321(e)(1) Fuel Safety Supervisor Certification, a recognized credential within the aviation industry.
For more information on upcoming NATA events, visit nata.aero